Smoked chicken breast under Smokey Olive Wood
Our guest is Stephane Pover, founder of Smokey Olive Wood, during a smoking lesson prepared this simple dish that surprised everyone with its look and taste. Ingredients required: Orange wood...
Easy, quick, simple: mushrooms with caprese filling
There's a reason why world-renowned award-winning chef and the face of Napoleon grills, A. Rummel, puts this recipe on his lists of best and most popular dishes. Grilled mushrooms with...
What is this mysterious smoke ring?
You've probably seen it many times in your smoked ribs, beef or even chicken, but you've never wondered what it is. It is this ring (The ring of the ring...
Pulled pork egg according to A.Rummel
Andreas Rummel, one of the world's best chefs and a great friend of ours, shares his idea of a different kind of egg - a meaty egg. At first glance,...
Indicative temperature table
Do you like medium-rare or well-done beef? Or are you going to roast a whole chicken or minced pork? Whatever you cook, cook properly! We recommend checking the internal temperature...
8 patarimai: kepame atvėsus orams
Net neabejojame – rudenį ir žiemą taip pat norisi gardaus ant grilio kepto steiko ar mėsainio. Vienintelė kliūtis – šaltis bei sniegas. Svarbiausią vaidmenį čia suvaidins jūsų noras ir užsidegimas –...
Ką kepa pasaulis?
Skirtingų formų kepsninių ir griliavimo tendencijų galima aptikti kone kiekvienoje pasaulio šalyje. Kodėl taip yra? Aišku viena – griliavimas yra viena svarbiausių socializacijų bei kultūros formų. Juk visiems prie valgiais nukrauto stalo bendrauti...
Ką daryti ir ko nedaryti kepant COBB grilyje
Ką daryti: Prieš įdėdami vidinį indą, patikrinkite, ar apsauginės gumutės yra savo vietoje, nes į grilio žiedo gumutes atsirems įkaitęs vidinis indas su karštomis anglimis. Grilio žiedo gumučių paskirtis –...
What can COBB grills really do?
You can cook dishes from all over the world When a practical, compact, modern grill is complemented by multifunctional use - there's no turning back. Whether you're cooking Uzbek ploughman's...
Marinating, glazing and basting meat
When you marinate meat, do you feel like you're detonating a bomb - you're marinating "by eye", so the marinade is different every time? Or maybe the meat on the...
37 spices: which ones are best for whom and which ones
Which spices will repel mosquitoes when thrown on the coals, which spices should be roasted for their special aroma and which spices should be used in extremely small quantities? We've...
Indian Naan bread with garlic butter
Indian Naan Bread can be prepared in a variety of ways - today we will discuss one of them. In any case, indic Naan bread is perfect for breakfast, when you want...